Monthly Sales

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2023 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2024
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 72,937 90,071 -21.5% -19.0% -19.0%
February 84,293 83,351 15.6% 1.1% -9.3%
March 101,709 92,759 20.7% 9.6% -2.7%
April 97,337 77,841 -4.3% 25.0% 3.6%
May 101,299 77,011 4.1% 31.5% 8.7%
June 111,318 90,177 9.9% 23.4% 11.3%
July 124,263 86,891 11.6% 43.0% 15.9%
August 145,177 101,355 16.8% 43.2% 19.9%
Total 838,333 699,457      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2023 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2023
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 90,071 100,800 -15.3% -10.6% -10.6%
February 83,351 90,692 -7.5% -8.1% -9.4%
March 92,759 110,288 11.3% -15.9% -11.8%
April 77,841 66,728 -16.1% 16.7% -6.6%
May 77,011 79,955 -1.1% -3.7% -6.1%
June 90,177 123,784 17.1% -27.1% -10.7%
July 86,891 129,460 -3.6% -32.9% -14.8%
August 101,355 131,869 16.6% -23.1% -16.1%
September 98,258 120,747 -3.1% -18.6% -16.4%
October 91,393 108,791 -7.0% -16.0% -16.4%
November 103,601 112,097 13.4% -7.6% -15.5%
December 92,903 106,329 -10.3% -12.6% -15.3%
Total 1,085,611 1,281,541      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2022 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2022
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 100,800 94,354 -19.2% 6.8% 6.8%
February 90,692 80,147 -10.0% 13.2% 9.7%
March 110,288 94,452 21.6% 16.8% 12.2%
April 66,728 84,837 -39.5% -21.3% 4.2%
May 79,955 85,052 19.8% -6.0% 2.2%
June 123,784 90,389 54.8% 36.9% 8.1%
July 129,460 94,757 4.6% 36.6% 12.5%
August 131,869 84,718 1.9% 55.7% 17.6%
September 120,747 82,114 -8.4% 47.0% 20.7%
October 108,791 100,644 -9.9% 8.1% 19.3%
November 112,097 113,245 3.0% -1.0% 17.0%
December 106,329 124,746 -5.1% -14.8% 13.5%
Total 1,281,541 1,129,455      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2021 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2021
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 94,354 62,958 -14.1% 49.9% 49.9%
February 80,147 49,194 -15.1% 62.9% 55.6%
March 94,452 78,112 17.8% 20.9% 41.4%
April 84,837 83,397 -10.2% 1.7% 29.3%
May 85,052 93,348 0.3% -8.9% 19.6%
June 90,389 93,471 6.3% -3.3% 14.9%
July 94,757 108,928 4.8% -13.0% 9.6%
August 84,718 106,046 -10.6% -20.1% 4.9%
September 82,114 112,375 -3.1% -26.9% 0.4%
October 100,644 90,339 22.6% 11.4% 1.5%
November 113,245 102,876 12.5% 10.1% 2.4%
December 124,746 109,820 10.2% 13.6% 3.5%
Total 1,129,455 1,090,864      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2020 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2020
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 62,958 84,925 -32.2% -25.9% -25.9%
February 49,194 62,862 -21.9% -21.7% -24.1%
March 78,112 73,543 58.8% 6.2% -14.0%
April 83,397 78,127 6.8% 6.7% -8.6%
May 93,348 88,678 11.9% 5.3% -5.4%
June 93,471 78,936 0.1% 18.4% -1.4%
July 108,928 82,994 16.5% 31.2% 3.5%
August 106,046 91,869 -2.6% 15.4% 5.2%
September 112,375 90,279 6.0% 24.5% 7.6%
October 90,339 95,754 -19.6% -5.7% 6.1%
November 102,876 108,750 13.9% -5.4% 4.7%
December 109,820 92,882 6.7% 18.2% 6.0%
Total 1,090,864 1,029,598      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2019 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2019
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 84,925 84,784 -17.3% 0.2% 0.2%
February 62,862 64,294 -26.0% -2.2% -0.9%
March 73,543 71,850 17.0% 2.4% 0.2%
April 78,127 69,243 6.2% 12.8% 3.2%
May 88,678 73,233 13.5% 21.1% 6.8%
June 78,936 65,751 -11.0% 20.1% 8.8%
July 82,994 89,646 5.1% -7.4% 6.0%
August 91,869 99,320 10.7% -7.5% 3.9%
September 90,279 93,186 -1.7% -3.1% 2.9%
October 95,754 103,207 6.1% -7.2% 1.7%
November 108,750 110,820 13.6% -1.9% 1.2%
December 92,882 102,658 -14.6% -9.5% 0.2%
Total 1,029,598 1,027,991      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2018 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2018
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 84,784 79,962 -2.3% 6.0% 6.0%
February 64,294 74,145 -24.2% -13.3% -3.3%
March 71,850 73,809 11.8% -2.7% -3.1%
April 69,243 69,190 -3.6% 0.1% -2.3%
May 73,233 74,310 5.8% -1.4% -2.2%
June 65,751 91,865 -10.2% -28.4% -7.4%
July 89,646 85,960 36.3% 4.3% -5.5%
August 99,320 91,243 10.8% 8.9% -3.5%
September 93,186 98,980 -6.2% -5.9% -3.8%
October 103,207 100,466 10.8% 2.7% -3.0%
November 110,820 94,711 7.4% 17.0% -1.0%
December 102,658 86,741 -7.4% 18.3% 0.6%
Total 1,027,991 1,021,382      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2017 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2017
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 79,962 60,073 -23.8% 33.1% 33.1%
February 74,145 62,109 -7.3% 19.4% 26.1%
March 73,809 75,180 -0.5% -1.8% 15.5%
April 69,190 68,182 -6.3% 1.5% 11.9%
May 74,310 70,048 7.4% 6.1% 10.7%
June 91,865 69,446 23.6% 32.3% 14.4%
July 85,960 72,178 -6.4% 19.1% 15.1%
August 91,243 72,929 6.1% 25.1% 16.4%
September 98,980 78,592 8.5% 25.9% 17.6%
October 100,466 67,739 1.5% 48.3% 20.6%
November 94,711 92,547 -5.7% 2.3% 18.5%
December 86,741 104,970 -8.4% -17.4% 14.2%
Total 1,021,382 893,992      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2016 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2016
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 60,073 70,127 -38.3% -14.3% -14.3%
February 62,109 55,015 3.4% 12.9% -2.4%
March 75,180 80,051 21.0% -6.1% -3.8%
April 68,182 67,522 -9.3% 1.0% -2.6%
May 70,048 77,034 2.7% -9.1% -4.0%
June 69,446 106,453 -0.9% -34.8% -11.2%
July 72,178 83,640 3.9% -13.7% -11.6%
August 72,929 90,928 1.0% -19.8% -12.8%
September 78,592 101,330 7.8% -22.4% -14.1%
October 67,739 89,858 -13.8% -24.6% -15.3%
November 92,547 87,928 36.6% 5.3% -13.3%
December 104,970 97,389 13.4% 7.8% -11.2%
Total 893,992 1,007,275      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2015 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2015
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 70,127 72,038 -21.1% -2.7% -2.7%
February 55,015 69,321 -21.5% -20.6% -11.47%
March 80,051 74,475 45.5% 7.5% -4.9%
April 67,523 72,586 -15.7% -7.0% -5.4%
May 77,034 70,115 14.1% 9.9% -2.5%
June 106,453 71,803 38.2% 48.3% 6.0%
July 83,640 77,928 -21.4% 7.3% 6.2%
August 90,928 81,251 8.7% 11.9% 7.0%
September 101,330 85,155 11.4% 19.0% 8.5%
October 89,858 81,983 -11.3% 9.6% 8.6%
November 87,928 80,830 -2.1% 8.8% 8.6%
December 97,389 88,843 10.8% 9.6% 8.7%
Total 1,007,275 926,328      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2014 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2014
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 72,038 70,204 -23.8% 2.6% 2.6%
February 69,321 56,499 -3.8% 22.7% 11.6%
March 74,475 70,600 7.4% 5.5% 9.4%
April 72,586 61,415 -2.5% 18.2% 11.5%
May 70,115 61,078 -3.4% 14.8% 12.11%
June 71,803 68,533 2.4% 4.8% 10.8%
July 77,928 71,736 8.5% 8.6% 10.5%
August 81,251 72,659 4.3% 11.8% 10.7%
September 85,155 76,141 4.8% 11.8% 10.8%
October 81,983 78,556 -3.7% 4.4% 10.1%
November 80,830 98,392 -1.4% -17.8% 6.6%%
December 88,843 94,588 9.9% -6.1% 5.2%
Total 926,328 880,402      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2013 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2013
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 70,204 83,206 - -15.6% -15.6%
February 56,499 75,743 -19.5% -25.4% -20.3%
March 70,600 78,518 25.0% -10.1% -16.9%
April 61,415 72,262 -13.0% -15.0% -16.5%
May 61,078 71,190 -0.5% -14.2% -16.0%
June 68,533 92,824 12.2% -26.2% -18.0%
July 71,736 92,489 4.7% -22.4% -18.7%
August 72,659 89,886 1.3% -19.2% -18.8%
September 76,141 90,475 4.8% -15.8% -18.4%
October 78,556 101,233 3.2% -22.4% -18.9%
November 98,392 89,634 25.3% 9.8% -16.2%
December 94,599 87,525 -3.9% 8.1% -14.1%
Total 880,412 1,024,985      
*Under order No. 0990004943 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission on February 2nd, 2010. Starting from 2013, the Company’s accounting policy is required by the Executive Yuan to switch from R.O.C. GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2012 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2012
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 78,301 76,672 -14.4% 2.1% 2.1%
February 70,012 60,049 -10.6% 16.6% 8.5%
March 76,307 114,569 9.0% -33.4% -10.6%
April 68,029 91,513 -10.8% -25.7% -14.6%
May 72,678 86,393 6.8% -15.9% -14.9%
June 90,420 88,978 24.4% 1.6% -12.0%
July 88,992 85,589 -1.6% 4.0% -9.8%
August 83,611 93,062 -6.0,% -10.2% -9.8%
September 83,495 88,595 -0.1% -5.8% -9.4%
October 99,240 107,241 18.9% -7.5% -9.1%
November 86,048 96,860 -13.3% -11.2% -9.3%
December 75,507 91,471 -12.3% -17.5% -10.0%
Total 972,641 1,080,992      
*Figures have not been audited
2011 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2011
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 76,672 80,126 -20.2% -4.3% -4.3%
February 60,049 74,001 -21.7% -18.9% -11.3%
March 114,569 92,265 90.8% 24.2% 2.0%
April 91,513 97,015 -20.1% -5.7% -0.2%
May 86,393 92,503 -5.6% -6.6% -1.5%
June 88,978 100,224 3.0% -11.2% -3.3%
July 85,589 86,194 -3.8% -0.7% -3.0%
August 93,062 86,429 8.7% 7.7% -1.7%
September 88,595 96,699 -4.8% -8.4% -2.5%
October 107,241 90,120 21.0% 19.0% -0.3%
November 96,860 100,277 -9.7% -3.4% -0.6%
December 91,471 96,099 -5.6% -4.8% -1.0%
Total 1,080,992 1,091,952      
*Figures have not been audited
2010 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2010
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 80,126 43,056 -12.2% 86.1% 86.1%
February 74,001 49,567 -7.6% 49.3% 66.4%
March 92,265 63,379 24.7% 45.6% 57.9%
April 97,015 55,166 5.1% 75.9% 62.6%
May 92,503 55,166 -4.7% 84.4% 66.8%
June 100,224 65,069 8.3% 54.0% 64.3%
July 86,194 61,964 -14.0% 39.1% 60.2%
August 86,429 60,051 0.3% 43.9% 58.1%
September 96,699 72,810 11.9% 32.8% 54.5%
October 90,120 86,018 -6.8% 4.8% 47.5%
November 100,277 93,296 11.3% 7.5% 42.2%
December 96,099 91,299 -4.2% 5.3% 37.9%
Total 1,091,952 791,842      
*Figures have not been audited
2009 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2009
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 43,056 67,778 -19.3% -36.5% -36.5%
February 49,567 58,968 15.1% -15.9% -88.2%
March 63,379 75,897 27.9% -16.5% -23%
April 55,166 73,508 -13.0% -25.0% -23.5%
May 50,166 64,517 -9.1% -22.2% -23.3%
June 65,069 62,005 29.7% 4.9% -18.9%
July 61,964 65,121 -4.8% -4.8% -17.0%
August 60,051 61,346 -3.1% -2.1% -15.3%
September 72,810 61,534 21.2% 18.3% -11.8%
October 86,018 73,413 18.1% 17.2% -8.6%
November 93,296 68,318 8.5% 36.6% -4.4%
December 91,299 53,375 -2.1% 71.1% 0.8%
Total 791,842 785,780      
*Figures have not been audited
2008 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2008
Adjusted Consolidated
Adjusted Consolidated
January 67,778 51,259 -5.5% 32.2% 32.2%
February 58,968 42,619 -13.0% 38.4% 35.0%
March 75,897 52,342 28.7% 45.0% 38.6%
April 73,508 45,240 -3.1% 62.5% 44.2%
May 64,517 47,298 -12.2% 36.4% 42.7%
June 62,005 65,418 -3.9% -5.2% 32.4%
July 65,121 61,817 5.0% 5.3% 27.8%
August 61,346 75,238 -5.8% -18.5% 19.9%
September 61,534 79,528 0.3% -22.6% 13.4%
October 73,413 74,392 19.3% -1.3% 11.6%
November 68,318 84,365 -6.9% -19.0% 7.8%
December 53,375 71,707 -21.9% -25.6% 4.6%
Total 785,780 751,224      

*Figures have not been audited

* Monthly sales in 2007 are adjusted consolidated figures which we are defining as revenues generated from Quanta Computer's operations in Taiwan and China

2007 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2007
Adjusted Consolidated
Parent Only
January 51,259 33,004 55.3% 55.3% 29.9%
February 42,619 33,042 29.0% 42.1% -16.9%
March 52,342 38,934 22.8% 34.4% 39.3%
April 45,240 36,030 -13.6% 25.6% 35.8%
May 47,298 26,222 4.5% 80.4% 42.8%
June 65,418 38,673 38.3% 69.2% 47.7%
July 61,817 32,418 -5.5% 90.7% 53.6%
August 75,238 32,993 21.7% 128.0% 62.6%
September 79,528 44,202 5.7% 79.9% 65.0%
October 74,392 52,973 -6.5% 40.4% 61.5%
November 84,365 53,561 13.4% 57.5% 61.0%
December 71,707 39,472 -15.0% 81.7% 62.8%
Total 751,224 461,524      

*Figures have not been audited

* Monthly sales in 2006 are parent (Taiwan) only figures

* Monthly sales in 2007 are adjusted consolidated figures which we are defining as revenues generated from Quanta Computer's operations in Taiwan and China

2006 Monthly Sales (Unit: NT $ Million)
Month 2006 2005 MoM YoY YTD YoY
January 33,004 25,110 31.4% 31.4% -12.8%
February 33,042 24,534 34.7% 33.0% 0.1%
March 38,934 29,277 33.0% 33.0% 17.8%
April 36,030 29,438 22.4% 30.1% -7.5%
May 26,222 28,031 -6.5% 22.6% -27.2%
June 38,673 30,275 27.7% 23.5% 47.5%
July 32,418 32,292 0.4% 19.8% -16.2%
August 32,993 34,680 -4.9% 16.1% 1.8%
September 44,202 36,965 19.6% 16.6% 34.0%
October 52,973 43,432 22.0% 17.3% 19.8%
November 53,561 51,243 4.5% 15.5% 1.1%
December 39,472 37,827 4.3% 14.5% -26.3%
Total 461,524 403,104      

*Figures have not been audited

* Monthly sales in 2006 are parent (Taiwan) only figures